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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Region 418 Chicago Lakefront

Game Policies


Start and End of Games

All games are to end five minutes before the scheduled time of the following game, regardless of when the game started and how much time has been played. All games are to start as close to their scheduled start times as possible.

Length of Games

U8 – 20 minutes per half
U10 – 25 minutes per half
U12 – 25 minutes per half
U14 – 32 minutes per half
Half time intervals are to last approximately five minutes. Timing of all games is under the
control of the referee.

Locations on fields for Players, Coaches, and Spectators

For all divisions, players and coaches are to be on one side of the field with spectators on the
other side. Coaches and players from both teams are to be on the same side of the field; each
on their own side of the halfway line. Players and coaches are to stay within ten yards of the
halfway line. Only registered coaches and assistant coaches are to be on the players' side of
the field; all other spectators are to remain on the opposite side of the field. All players, coaches,
and spectators are to remain at least three feet from the touchlines to provide safety for the
players and adequate viewing for the referees. No one should take up position behind or near
the goal lines since this would be distracting to goalkeepers, players, and referees.

Game day uniform and equipment

Players MUST wear:

a) Team jersey, shorts and socks;
b) Shin guards completely covered by socks. Socks cannot be rolled down from the top over the shin guards
c) Regulation soccer shoes, gym shoes or sneakers. Baseball or football shoes are not permitted.

Players MAY NOT wear:
a) earrings or metal ear studs. Taped or bandaged earrings or studs are not acceptable.
b) jewelry, hard billed caps or any similar accessories. Hair beads are allowed in accordance with AYSO National policies.
c) anything deemed dangerous to the player or other players as determined by the referee.
d) Items are allowed for medical or religious purposes. Medical bracelets are acceptable if taped down.
e) A goalkeeper can wear a soft-billed cap if necessary because of the sun.
f) Prescription eyeglasses should be secured; sunglasses are not permitted.

Weather and Game Cancellation Policy At Games


If lightning is seen or thunder is heard, games must immediately be suspended until 30 minutes after the last flash of lightning or sound of thunder. Everyone present must immediately leave the field and seek shelter.

The coaches are responsible for making sure their teams leave the field. The referee (both teams’ coaches if there is no referee) will decide if and when a game will resume after the 30 minute period.

However, since all games must end no later than 5 minutes before the starting time of the next game, if there is less than 35 minutes until the starting time of the next game, the game will not resume.

If there is enough time to resume play, coaches must adjust playing time so that every player still plays at least ½ of the total playing time. Referees and coaches must work together regarding a substitution stoppage to allow this to happen. The game must still end 5 minutes before the starting time of the next game.

Games can be played when it is raining without any lightning or thunder and under other weather conditions, particularly on the artificial turf fields, but a referee who determines that the field condition is unsafe or that the field is unplayable has the discretion to cancel or end the game early. The Region might also determine this even though play has started.


Player Substitution Policy


Other than for injuries, player substitutions are to occur only at halftime and at quarter breaks at
the middle of each half. Every player who shows up for the game no later than during the first
quarter must play at least two quarters.
Players showing up during the second quarter are to play at least one quarter.
Other than the above exceptions and in the case of injuries, no player can play four quarters unless all players on the team have played at least three quarters.
Teams cannot be fielded in excess of the maximum player counts as published on the regional website.

Substitution Process / Duration of “Quarter” Breaks

Quarter breaks are intended only to be a time for a quick substitution of a few
players and are not meant to be coaching opportunities or for other purposes that would unduly
delay the re-start of the game
. Before the start of the game, the referee has the discretion to
determine if additional time can be used to allow players to rehydrate. This should be discussed
with the coaches before the start of the game.

Injury Substitution

If a player cannot continue due to injury, the coach can substitute another player until the
original player is ready to continue. The injured player cannot re-enter the game until the
beginning of the next quarter. The player who started the quarter will be credited for playing that
quarter. The coach may also choose to play short-handed until the injured player is ready to
continue. That player can then re-enter play only at a re-start and with the permission of the referee.

Goalkeeper Substitution Policy

In all divisions U14 and lower, no player can play as a goalkeeper for more than one half of the
game. Violation of this rule will result in a forfeit. Upon permission of the referee, a goalkeeper
can switch positions with a field player during a stoppage in play. Such a change will not be permitted if used
as a time wasting tactic or to slow an attacking team's progress. The new goalkeeper must already be in the game
except in the case of an injury to the original goalkeeper.

Slide tackling in Region 418

Slide Tackling is taking a ball from an opponent while sliding on the ground, taking control of the
ball by contacting the ball before contacting the opponent. Proper slide tackling is legal per the
Laws of the Game as defined by FIFA, the governing body for international soccer.
Because of the current conditions of our fields, our region has determined that slide
tackling inherently puts our players in danger. Therefore, Region 418 has determined that
slide tackling should be considered as ‘dangerous play’ and should be treated as such
by our referees. If the slide tackle results in contact normally associated with a direct free kick
offense, the referee will award a direct free kick or penalty kick, if appropriate. If
there was no otherwise illegal conduct, an indirect free kick will be awarded for dangerous
play. As always, should a tackle endanger the safety of an opponent, such as a slide tackle from
behind, this must be sanctioned as serious foul play (a red card offense for older players).

Guest Player Policy

1. Coaches should encourage all their players to show up to as many games as possible.
When a coach is faced with having fewer players than are allowed on the field, they may
either play short or use a guest player.
2. All guest players must be fully registered AYSO players of an equal or lower division
(same gender) and are to wear their own team's uniform as well as a pinnie to
differentiate them from the other players.
3. Guest players should not be positioned as goalkeepers or forwards, though they should
not be discouraged from contributing to the offense.
4. No player should play more than two games in one day, AYSO primary and travel
games combined. Coaches are responsible to ask players about this. Violations will
result in a forfeited game.
5. For all divisions below U14, no guest player should be on the field when a rostered
player is sitting out, except in case of injury or when that rostered player arrives during
the quarter in which the guest player is playing. In the latter case, the guest player must
finish the quarter and the rostered player take over the next quarter. In U14 and
above, no more than one rostered player may sit out while a guest player is in the game.
6. The opposing coach and referee are to be advised of the use of guest players prior to
the start of the game.
7. SELECTION OF GUEST PLAYERS - First, check with the other coach to see if they
have any players willing to play for the other team. Try to rotate players so that no player
plays more than one half for an opposing team. Next, check with players just finishing a
game or other AYSO registered players in uniform and in the vicinity.
8. Pre-arrangement of the use of guest players is prohibited. Violations will result in a
forfeited game.

U8 Goalkeeping / Defensive Positioning

Some of the most obvious differences between U8 rules and those of standard soccer are that
there are no goalkeepers or penalty kicks, the goal sizes are greatly reduced, and there are no
offside infractions. Since U8 is an early instructional division, these more advanced concepts
start being taught at the U10 level. The question has come up as to what extent are defenses
allowed to defend their own goals. Defense is a critical part of soccer at all levels of play and it
should certainly be stressed in U8. Therefore, there are no limits to the extent the goals can be
defended, though there are no players that are allowed to use their hands in the penalty area.
Region 418 guidelines limit defensive players from being in the penalty area when the ball is on
the opposite half of the field. The spirit of this rule is to encourage players on the attacking team
to be more involved in active play rather than being camped in front of the goal when the ball is
not in the vicinity. Coaches are asked to teach this to their players. Should a player remain in
their goal area while their team is attacking on the other side of the field, the player's coach or
referee should gently request they move forward. However, there is no infraction or penalty for
remaining in this position.

Trees overhanging Region 418 fields

All trees overhanging fields in our region are considered to be in play. Referees officiating
games that have overhanging trees are asked to remind coaches and players of this policy.

Youth Referee Abuse Zero Tolerance Policy

Although we expect the best behavior from everyone toward all referees, it is simply forbidden
to criticize a youth referee, even if you are another referee. There is ZERO TOLERANCE FOR
after games. Anyone who does so will be asked to leave the game vicinity by the center referee,
and the Regional Board may also choose to enact further sanctions. These Youth Referees are
well-trained, and many are also experienced players; however they are still youngsters without
the life experience to handle negative remarks. Please give each your full support and help
model good behavior for others to follow.

Concussion Policy

This policy is based on AYSO’s National Policy and is meant to provide as much protection to
our youth soccer players as possible. It is advisable that all involved in AYSO review the Heads
Up short on-line program on concussions provided by the Centers for Disease Control at:
1. If a coach, referee, or parent suspects a player has received a concussion or is exhibiting
concussion symptoms, that player may not participate in AYSO games or practices for the
remainder of the day.
2. Coaches are to notify the Regional Safety Director that a player has been so removed. The
Safety Director will advise the Regional Referee Administrator (RRA) of the player’s name
and team number.
3. Removed players may only resume participation in AYSO games or practices once they
have provided their coach with a completed AYSO Incident Report Form. No other
form, note, or verbal message will be acceptable. The form can be found Here.

4. Game referees will be advised by the RRA of any players not eligible to play due to
concussion injury or symptoms. The player will only be allowed to play should their coach
have a copy of the completed Participation Release Form or if the referee is advised by the
Regional Commissioner, Safety Director, or RRA that the form has already been properly
5. The Safety Director will collect and hold all completed Participation Release Forms. The
Safety Director will keep written record of names of all players ineligible due to concussion
injury or symptoms.

Last updated:Sept. 17, 2024

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 418 - Chicago Lakefront

4507 N Ravenswood Ave, Suite 101
Chicago, Illinois 60640

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 312-216-0102
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