AYSO418 Chicago Northwind SC
Chicago Northwind SC is AYSO Region 418's club soccer program, providing a unique competitive soccer experience under the AYSO418 umbrella of programs. Northwind fields boys and girls teams age 8 to 19, and provides an opportunity for participants to play travel soccer at the highest level commensurate with their individual ability, potential, and interest. Players work with professionally licensed trainers and compete in Illinois Youth Soccer Association's member leagues and tournaments.
Placement on a Northwind team is by invitation only. Tryouts for this program are held each spring for the following Fall-Winter-Spring membership year.
Visit www.northwindsoccer.com for full program details.
How Does a Child Qualify to Play for Northwind SC?
- Tryouts: Players must attend tryouts and be selected for a team.
- Genders: The leagues are not co-ed. Boys and girls will have separate teams.
- Ages: Players will be placed on teams based on their birth year & ability.
- Other: Northwind players have the option to also play with their respective EXTRA team.
What Type of Weekly Commitment Does Northwind SC Involve?
Teams typically have two practices per week and at least one game per weekend. All 11v11 teams will also have access to a Sports Performance session on a weekly basis focused on Strength & Conditioning and recovery. In addition, teams participate in both in-state and out-of-state tournaments.
What Are the Game and Practice Schedules?
Practice times and dates depend on field availability and will be communicated once they are confirmed. Game times generally take place on Saturdays or Sundays.
How Far Will We Have to Travel?
Practices and home games are held at the Lakefront Turf and surrounding fields (Clark Park, River Park). Away games are against other Chicago-area clubs, and tournaments may be in neighboring states, but typically within driving distance.
What Does It Cost?
Costs for Northwind SC are comparable to other Chicago-area clubs, typically around $3,500+ per year. This includes both the fall and spring seasons, as well as a winter indoor season. The fee also covers tournament entries, field usage, referees, and coaches. Uniforms, as well as hotel and travel costs for tournaments, are not included.
How Competitive Is the Program?
The Northwind program is ideal for children with higher skill levels or those who show greater commitment and promise in the sport.